<<audio theme stop>>\
<<run UIBar.unstow()>>\
Good morning, Nibs!
Outside it looks like another nice day in the forest. You hear the sound of a snoozing bear on the pillow next to you.
You are about to hop out of bed when you notice on the wall calendar today is January 11th - Lee's birthday!
"Oh my!" you think. "I totally forgot about Lee's birthday! I need to organize a birthday party for her and make sure each bear shows up." You quickly write down a list of items you need for the party: cake, music, party lights, and of course a birthday gift.
<<link "Explore bed" "bed">>
<<set $showInventory = true>>\
<<link "Leave bed" "main room">>
<<set $showInventory = true>>\
<<set $didntCheckBed = true>>\
<</link>>\<<audio ":all" stop>>\
You are in the middle of a cozy cabin. The cabin is nestled in a redwood forest.
<<if $stove == false>>\
It's quite chilly in the cabin - the [[stove]] must be off.
It's nice and warm in the cabin thanks to the wood-burning stove.
The bedroom has a [[bed]] the size of 18 Schlops.
There is a [[kitchen]] nearby.
There is a [[couch]] adorned with blankets.
A [[closet]] is off to the side.
A staircase leads up to the <<link "attic.">>
<<if $rsvps.includes("PB")>>\
<<goto "general attic">>\
<<goto step1>>\
A door leads [[outside|door outside]].<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/stufire.png" class="center">
The door to the closet creaks open.
<<if not $inventory.includes("knife") and not $thrownOnGround.includes("knife")>>\
You are surprised to find Stu sitting in the closet. There are two burning candles lighting up the closet. (Is that safe?)
"It looks like you are on a quest," Stu says.
"That's right," you reply. "It's Lee's birthday and I need to get her a gift and plan the party."
"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." Stu holds out a <<linkappend "butter knife.">> You take the butter knife.<<set $inventory.pushUnique("knife")>><<audio zeldaGotSword play>><</linkappend>>
"Okay, great, thanks for the butter knife I guess. Will you be able to make it to Lee's party, Stu?"
But Stu just sits there in mysterious silence. I guess he has nothing more to say for now.
[[Go back|main room]]
<<elseif $gotLost == true and not $inventory.includes("cake") and $gotStuClue == false>>\
Stu is still sitting there between the burning candles.
"It looks like you've been wandering lost in the forest," Stu says. "I might be willing to help you..."
It seems like Stu is waiting for you to <<linkappend "give him something.">>
What will you give him?
<<textbox "$stuGift" "" "stu gift" autofocus>>
<<elseif $inventory.includes("cake") and not $rsvps.includes("Stu")>>\
Stu is still in his closet. He looks up at you with a knowing look.
"I see you have successfully found your way through the Lost Woods," he says. "Well done, adventurer."
"But can you come to Lee's party?" you ask.
"Of course I can. Why didn't you ask me earlier?"
You let out an exasperated sigh.
<<link "Go back" "main room">>\
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Stu")>>\
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Stu")>>\
<<else>> \
Stu is still sitting there between the burning candles.
"Schlop dislikes Dodongo," Stu says.
"Gee, thanks," you reply, "that's <em>really</em> helpful."
<<if not $rsvps.includes("Stu")>>\
"Anyway, can you make it to Lee's party?"
But it looks like Stu has nothing more to say for now.
[[Go back|main room]]
<</if>>You are on the bed the size of 18 Schlops - it really is enormous.
<<if $madeToast == false>> \
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/schlop-bed.png" class="center">
Next to you is a pile of what must be at least eight blankets of various colors. Underneath the blankets you can hear a snoring bear. That is no doubt Schlop underneath all those blankets - he is totally tucked!
<<if $wokenUp == false and $didntCheckBed == false>> \
The rest of the bed is in varying states of disarray. It looks like all the other bears have already gotten up this morning. (I guess you shouldn't have stayed up so late playing Wordle, Nibs.)
<<linkappend "A giant figure looms over the side of the bed.">> \
Oh wait, that's just Gnocco.
<<set $wokenUp = true>> \
[[Talk to Schlop|schlop]]
[[Leave bed|main room]]
<</linkappend>> \
<<else>> \
[[Talk to Schlop|schlop]]
[[Leave bed|main room]]
<</if>> \
<<else>> \
<<if not $inventory.includes("phone") and not $thrownOnGround.includes("phone") and not $inventory.includes("lamp")>> \
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/bed-no-schlop.png" class="center">
The pile of blankets that Schlop had been sleeping underneath forms an inviting cave of fuzziness. You bet it would feel great to climb in and maybe take a quick nap. After all, you are quite exhausted by all the adventures you have been on.
[[Climb under the covers for a nap|under covers]]
[[No time for naps - get back to the quest|main room]]
<<else>> \
[[Go back|main room]]
<</if>> \
<</if>> \<<audio creak1 play>>\
<<audio attic loop play>>\
You can barely see anything in the pitch black attic. The air is musty and smells of bears long forgotten. Outside you can hear the howling wind and an unknown critter scuttling over the roof.
A bear speaks in the darkness.
<<linkreplace "...">>\
<span style="color:yellow">"All who trespass in the attic must face the most devilish riddle. Answer right and you will be rewarded with untold riches. Answer wrong and you will be banished to live in the attic with us forever. Are you ready?"</span>
<<linkreplace "...">>\
That sounds a little over-dramatic, you think. After all, you've been in the attic plenty of times before. But you decide it will be easier to let them have their fun.
[["Okay, give me the riddle," you say.|riddle]]<</linkreplace>>
<</linkreplace>>shnoodles, snuffles, petri are standing in a row next to counter
can move them each of them left or right
tuna is on top of counter
maybe can also get pie on floor - for snowy munchies
there is also bread and butter and toaster in reach to make toast
<<set $bearToPos = {"shnoodles":2,"snuffles":1,"petri":0}>>
<<set $posToBear = {2:["shnoodles"], 1:["snuffles"], 0:["petri"]}>>
Strength: <<set $pcStr to 10>><span id="stats-str"><<print $pcStr>></span> \
( <<link "[+]">><<set $pcStr++>><<replace "#stats-str">><<print $pcStr>><</replace>><</link>> \
| <<link "[-]">><<set $pcStr-->><<replace "#stats-str">><<print $pcStr>><</replace>><</link>> )
<span id="bear-str"><<print $posToBear[0]>><<print $posToBear[1]>><<print $posToBear[2]>></span> \
(<<link "Shnoodles left">>
<<if $bearToPos["shnoodles"]>0>>
<<set $posToBear[$bearToPos["shnoodles"]].pop()>>
<<set $bearToPos["shnoodles"]-->>
<<set $posToBear[$bearToPos["shnoodles"]].push("shnoodles")>>
<<replace "#bear-str">>
<<print $posToBear[0]>><<print $posToBear[1]>><<print $posToBear[2]>>
<<link "Shnoodles right">>
<<if $bearToPos["shnoodles"]<2>>
<<set $posToBear[$bearToPos["shnoodles"]].pop()>>
<<set $bearToPos["shnoodles"]++>>
<<set $posToBear[$bearToPos["shnoodles"]].push("shnoodles")>>
<<replace "#bear-str">>
<<print $posToBear[0]>><<print $posToBear[1]>><<print $posToBear[2]>>
<<if $inventory.includes("cake") and $inventory.includes("lamp") and $hasMusic == true and $rsvpBears.length == 0>>\
<<goto party>>\
Lee recently assembled this couch (all by herself!) and decorated it with a copious amount of bear-friendly blankets. This couch would be a great place to assemble all the bears for the party.
<<if $rsvpBears.length > 0>>\
You still don't have an RSVP for every bear. Have you tried asking <<print $rsvpBears.random()>>?
<<if not $inventory.includes("cake")>>\
You still need to get a cake for the party. Schlop is always finding food in the forest that seems to turn up magically. Maybe you can find a cake in the forest?
<<if not $inventory.includes("lamp")>>\
You want to get some cool party lights to provide a festive atmosphere. I wonder if you could borrow that lamp Sneeches is always obsessing over?
<<if $hasMusic == false>>\
It's essential to get some rockin' party music to get all the bears dancing. Maybe Lee's laptop has some tunes on it?
Most importantly, you have to find the most amazing gift to give to Lee. That's a tough one...
[[Duddles|duddles]] is next to the couch, napping on the hook rug that Lee has been making.
[[Lee's laptop|laptop]] is on the couch.
[[Go back|main room]]
<<if $hasMusic == false>>\
You flip open the laptop and load up Schlopify to get some party music. You find a playlist that looks promising but unfortunately it is protected by a password.
You are about to give up, but then notice that the password is only five letters long. You've been training for weeks for just this scenario!
[[Guess the password|wordle1]]
[[Go back|couch]]
The laptop is pumping out some hot jamz - sweet!
<<audio disco play>>\
<<link "Go back" "couch">>
<</if>>\<<audio door play>>\
You step out from the cabin into the redwood forest. You pause to breathe in the fresh forest air.
<<linkreplace "<em>Ahhh...</em>">>\
<<audio battle loop play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nibs-bobcat.png" class="center">
Suddenly a bobcat darts out from behind a tree and comes straight towards you!
[[Throw something at the bobcat|throw decision]]
<<link "Run back inside" "run back inside">>
<<audio battle stop>>\
<</linkreplace>><<if $showInventory == true>>
You are carrying:
<<for _i, _name range $inventory>>\
<<for _i, _name range $rsvps>>\
Party Things to Get:
<<if not $inventory.includes("cake")>>\
<<if not $inventory.includes("lamp")>>\
<<if $hasMusic == false>>\
The Most Amazing Gift
<</if>>\You successfully stacked the three bears! You climp up the bear pyramid (bearymid?) and are able to reach the counter.
You put a slice of bread in the toaster and a few minutes later the toast comes flying out and lands conveniently on a plate.
You then use the butter knife to spread a few pats of butter on the toast. You carefully repel down the bear stack while holding the plate of toast.
"Thanks for helping me get on the counter," you say to the three bears who are slowly unstacking themselves. "I forgot to ask, can you three make it to Lee's party?"
"We'll be there!" says Shnoodles.
"Wouldn't miss it!" says Snuffles.
"Definitely!" says Petri.
Nice, three more bears down! Now to <<link "serve the toast." "serve the toast">>
<<set $madeToast = true>>
<<set $inventory.delete("bread")>>
<<set $inventory.delete("butter")>>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Shnoodles")>>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Snuffles")>>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Petri")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Shnoodles")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Snuffles")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Petri")>>
<</link>><<if $word.length == 5>>\
<<set $word = $word.toLowerCase()>>\
<<set $words.push($word)>>\
<<for _j, _word range $words>>\
<<for _i, _char range _word>>\
<<if $unusedLetters.includes(_char)>>\
<<set $unusedLetters.delete(_char)>>\
<<if $wordle[_i] == _char>>\
<span id="greenchar">_char</span>\
<<elseif $wordle.includes(_char)>>\
<span id="yellowchar">_char</span>\
<span id="whitechar">_char</span>\
<span id="whitechar">Unused letters: </span>
<<for _i,_letter range $unusedLetters>>\
<span id="whitechar">_letter </span>
<<if $word == $wordle>>\
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>\
<<set $hasMusic = true>>\
<<timed 2s>>\
<<goto wonWordle>>\
<<textbox "$word" "" "wordle1" autofocus>>\Shnoodles, Snuffles, and Petri are standing in a row next to counter
can move them each of them left or right
tuna is on top of counter
maybe can also get pie on floor - for snowy munchies
there is also bread and butter and toaster in reach to make toast
<<if $posToBear[2][2] == "Petri">>
<<goto wonStacking>>
<<set $posToBear[0].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[0].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[0].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[1].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[1].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[1].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[2].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[2].push(" ")>>
<<set $posToBear[2].push(" ")>>
<table class="border-table">
<<set $posToBear[0].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[1].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[2].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[0].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[1].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[2].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[0].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[1].pop()>>
<<set $posToBear[2].pop()>>
<<button "Shnoodles left">>\
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Shnoodles -1>>\
<<print " ">>\
<<button "Shnoodles right">>
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Shnoodles 1>>
<<button "Snuffles left">>\
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Snuffles -1>>\
<<print " ">>\
<<button "Snuffles right">>
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Snuffles 1>>
<<button "Petri left">>\
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Petri -1>>\
<<print " ">>\
<<button "Petri right">>
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Petri 1>>
<</button>>Nice going, Nibs! Who knew that Wordle practice would come in handy?
Now the bears can have a real disco party!
<<audio disco play>>\
<<link "Continue" "couch">>
<</link>><<if $bobcatThere == false>>\
<<audio door play>>\
<<timed 2s>>\
<<goto forest>>\
You stand before the door to the outside.
It always makes you nervous venturing out into the unknown forest. There are legends about strange animals lurking among the trees. Recently Schlop even thought something was looking at him through the window. <em>Spooky!</em>
[[Head outside|outside]]
[[Stay in the cabin|main room]]
<</if>>/*Note that we can't go here if stove is on, so don't need to check that */\
<<if not $inventory.includes("mitts") and not $thrownOnGround.includes("mitts")>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/stove-off-mitts.png" class="center">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/stove-off-no-mitts.png" class="center">
The wood-burning stove is cold to the touch. Whichever bear was on log duty this week must have forgot.
<<if not $inventory.includes("mitts") and not $thrownOnGround.includes("mitts")>>\
<span id="ToReplace">There are some \
<<link "oven mitts">>\
<<replace #ToReplace>>You take the oven mitts.\
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("mitts")>>\
<<audio quickItem play>>\
<</link>> \
hanging by the side of the stove.</span>
<<if $inventory.includes("log")>>\
[[Add log to stove|turn on stove]]
You've never gotten the logs since usually it is a job for a big bear. Maybe the logs are kept outside in the forest?
[[Go back|main room]]<<audio creak1 play>>\
[[You begin climbing the ominous, twisted staircase to the attic. The wooden planks creak beneath your feet pads.|step2]]<<audio creak2 play>>\
[[With each step the light grows darker|step3]]<<audio creak3 play>>\
[[and darker...|attic]]<<audio attic stop>>\
<<audio jeopardy loop play>>\
<<set $index = random(0,2)>>
<<set $arrowBear = 2 - $index>>
<<set $indexToLetter = {0:"A",1:"B",2:"C"}>>
<<set $sayings = ["I do not have the treasure.", "Bear " + $indexToLetter[$arrowBear] + " does not have the treasure.", "I have the treasure."]>>
<<set $bear1 = $sayings[$index]>>
<<set $bear2 = $sayings[($index+1)%3]>>
<<set $bear3 = $sayings[($index+2)%3]>>
<div style="color:yellow">"There are three bears in front of you, and one of us has a prize of golden treasure. Each bear will make a statement, yet only one statement will be true."</div>
<<linkreplace "...">><div style="text-align:left;color:white">Bear A: $bear1</div><<linkreplace "...">><div style="text-align:center;color:cyan">Bear B: $bear2</div><<linkreplace "...">><div style="text-align:right;color:pink">Bear C: $bear3</div><<linkreplace "...">><div style="color:yellow">Which bear has the treasure?</div>
<<button "Bear A" "checkGuess">><<set $guess = 0>><</button>>
<<button "Bear B" "checkGuess">><<set $guess = 1>><</button>>
<<button "Bear C" "checkGuess">><<set $guess = 2>><</button>>
<</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<audio jeopardy stop>>\
<<set $answer = (3-$index)%3>>
<<if $guess == $answer>><<goto correctGuess>>
<<else>><<goto incorrectGuess>>
<</if>><div style="color:white">"But PB, maybe we should give the little Nibs dude another chance?"</div>
<div style="color:yellow">"Snowy, I told you not to use any names!"</div>
<div style="color:white">"I mean that riddle was really tough."</div>
<div style="color:yellow">"Fine, he can have another shot - geez!"</div>
[[Try the riddle again|riddle]]"That's too easy," you announce, "it's obvious that the bear with the treasure is Bear $indexToLetter[$guess]!"
You hear a disappointed sigh from the darkness. <span style="color:yellow">"You got lucky this time, Nibs. Snowy hit the lights."</span>
<<link "Continue" "atticTreasure">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>\
<</link>>\"I'm guessing that Bear $indexToLetter[$guess] has the treasure... maybe?"
<<linkappend "And the judges say...">>
<<audio sadTrombone play>>\
<div style="color:yellow">"Not even close. It looks like you will be joining us in the attic - forever!"</div>\
As the darkness envelopes you, you think of the soft bed that you will never get to sleep in again and the birthday party that Lee will never get.
How sad.
[[The End|lose]]
<</linkappend>>\<<set $answerToBear = {0:"Snowy",1:"Klondike",2:"The pink bear"}>>\
You squint as your eyes slowly adjust to the light in the room.
You now see the three bears: Snowy the white bear, Klondike the blue bear, and a pink bear who you've seen around the cabin but have never got their name. Behind them you see PB who had masterminded the whole ridiculous riddle - of course!
"I guess you want your golden prize," PB sneers.
$answerToBear[$answer] hands over a bag of gold coins. For a moment you can't believe you actually won treasure - but then you notice the coins are actually gelt. Probably from a long expired care package.
<<link "Take the gelt" "atticTreasure2">>
<<audio quickItem play>>\
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("gelt")>>
<</link>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/sneech-lamp.png" class="center">
Sneeches is sitting in the corner, starting intently at a small lamp that is currently off.
"Sneeches, what are you doing up here?" you ask.
"I have to watch the lamp in case Peaches might send a HUG. I would hate to miss a HUG!" Sneeches is so fixated on the lamp that he doesn't even turn to look at you while talking.
"Well, why don't you send Peaches a hug and see if he responds," you suggest.
"I'm worried Peaches is taking a NAP so I don't want to send a HUG that would wake him, oh!"
It seems like quite a conundrum.
"We're gonna have a party for Lee later," you say, "will you be able to make it?"
"I can't leave the lamp!" says Sneeches.
It seems like the only way to get Sneeches to leave the attic for the party... is to take his lamp.
[[Take the lamp|take lamp]]
[[Leave the attic|main room]]
You decide to take Sneeches' friendship lamp - that way he will be able to go to Lee's birthday party. You reach out to grab the lamp - but Sneeches lets out a cry.
"Great HONK!" says Sneeches. "Peaches might send a HUG at any moment and I need to be ready!"
You back away apologetically. Sneeches is so attached to the lamp that it will be impossible to take it from him. If only there was some way to distract Sneeches so you could nab the lamp...
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $inventory.includes("phone")>>\
<<goto "distract sneeches">>\
<<goto "general attic">>\
<</link>>\You are in the attic.
A gaggle of attic bears mulls around, eyeing you suspiciously.
<<if $inventory.includes("lamp") or $thrownOnGround.includes("lamp")>>\
Sneeches is in the corner still working on the crossword puzzle. Every so often you hear him let out a "snarf" - which must mean there was some clue about butts.
Sneeches is in the corner hovering over the friendship lamp. It seems like he won't leave the attic for the party unless you can take the lamp away.
[[Try to take the lamp|take lamp]]
[[Leave attic|main room]]You stand in the kitchen where Lee prepares all the great meals the bears enjoy.
<<if $madeToast == true>>\
Shnoodles, Snuffles, Petri and Schlop are all sitting at the kitchen table.
Shnoodles, Snuffles, and Petri are sitting at the [[kitchen table]].
There is a counter with a [[toaster]] on it.
There is a [[mini-fridge]].
The [[pantry]] looks well stocked.
[[Leave the kitchen|main room]]<<if $decideToast == false>>\
There is a toaster on the counter high above your head. It seems unreachable, and you also aren't in the mood for toast.
<<elseif $madeToast == true>>\
The toaster is so far up - you can't believe you actually scaled those heights to make toast!
<<elseif not $inventory.includes("bread")>>\
There is a fancy toaster sitting high atop the counter beyond your reach. You could use it to make toast for Schlop, but even if you could reach it you'd have nothing to put in it.
<<elseif not $inventory.includes("butter")>>\
The toaster is high above on the counter. You have bread that could be toasted that would rouse the sleeping Schlop - but you feel like there is something important missing for making a slice of toast.
<<elseif not $inventory.includes("knife")>>\
You look longingly at the toaster far above. You have the bread, and you have the butter, but you are missing a crucial implement to combine the bread and the butter.
The toaster is up so high on the counter there is no way you could ever reach it. You would need three bears stacked on top of each other to even get close. And where could you find three bears to do that?
Hmmm, that gives you an idea.
<<set $decideStack = true>>\
[[Go back|kitchen]]The pantry is full of all kinds of foodstuffs, but most of it is too high for you to reach.
<<if not $inventory.includes("bread") and not $thrownOnGround.includes("bread") and $madeToast==false>>
<<linkreplace "There is a loaf of bread.">>
You take the bread.
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("bread")>>
<<audio quickItem play>>
<<linkreplace "There are some cans of tuna fish.">>
<<if $inventory.includes("tuna")>>
You already have some tuna.
You take a can of tuna.
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("tuna")>>
<<audio quickItem play>>
<<if not $inventory.includes("grape") and not $thrownOnGround.includes("grape") and $ateGrape==false>>
<<linkreplace "There is a moldy grape on the floor.">>
You take the moldy grape... Ewww!
<<audio quickItem play>>
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("grape")>><</linkreplace>>
[[Leave pantry|kitchen]]
<<if $decideStack == false>>
You walk over to the kitchen table where Shnoodles, Snuffles, and Petri are having their breakfast. Shnoodles has a large bowl of oatmeal, Snuffles has a medium bowl of oatmeal, and Petri has a small bowl of oatmeal.
"Hey, you guys remind me of the three bears from Goldilocks!" you exclaim. "You know, with the porridge?"
The three of them give you perplexed stares and then continue on with their breakfast. Tough crowd!
[[Go back|kitchen]]
<<elseif $decideStack == true>>
You walk over to the kitchen table where Shnoodles, Snuffles, and Petri are having their oatmeal breakfast.
"Sorry to interrupt fellas, but I'm on an urgent mission to set up Lee's birthday party and I need your help."
"Sure thing," Snuffles says. "What can we do, Nibs?"
"I have to get Schlop out of bed for the party, and the only thing that will get him up is the smell of fresh toast from the toaster. But I am too short to reach the toaster so I will need you three to stack on top of each other - then I can climb up to the toaster."
The three bears exchange incredulous glances. Then Shnoodles nods. "That's a highly unusual request, Nibs, but we're willing to do it for Lee's party."
"Yeah!" adds Petri.
[[Begin operation Bear Stack|testKitchen2]]
<</if>><<if $inventory.includes("butter") or $thrownOnGround.includes("butter") or $madeToast==true>> \
There is nothing of interest in the mini-fridge.
[[Go back|kitchen]]
<<else>> \
You open the mini-fridge door and a <<linkappend "stick of butter falls to the floor.">>
You quickly pick the butter up (<em>Five-second rule!</em>) and take it with you.
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("butter")>> \
<<audio quickItem play>>\
[[Go back|kitchen]]
<</linkappend>> \
<</if>> \<<set $stuGift = $stuGift.toLowerCase()>>\
<<if not $inventory.includes($stuGift)>>\
You don't have that!
[[Try again|closet]]
[[Leave closet|main room]]
<<elseif $stuGift != "gelt">>\
You try to give Stu the $stuGift but he refuses to take it.
[[Try again|closet]]
[[Leave closet|main room]]
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>\
You hand Stu the gelt you got from the Attic Bears.
"This looks to be about 30 rupees, excellent!" Stu says. You consider telling him it is actually expired gelt, but it's probably best to play along. Stu stashes away the "rupees" and turns back to you.
"There is only one who knows the true path through the Lost Woods: The Old Bear who Remembers All. Ask him and you will find your way."
"Okay, thanks for the cryptic clue," you say. "And can I put you down as a yes for Lee's party?"
But Stu has nothing more to say for now.
[[Go back|main room]]
<<set $gotStuClue = true>>\
<<set $inventory.delete("gelt")>>\
Instinctively you reach for something to throw at the charging predator.
What do you throw?
<<textbox "$throw" "" "throw" autofocus>>
<<audio door play>>\
You scamper back inside the safety of the cabin before the bobcat can reach you. You hear it growling outside beyond the door.
That was a close one!
[[Go back|main room]] <<set $throw = $throw.toLowerCase()>>\
<<if not $inventory.includes($throw)>>\
You don't have that to throw!
Before it's too late you jump back into the cabin and shut the door behind you.
[[Continue|main room]]
<<elseif $throw == "grape">>\
<<set $ateGrape = true>>\
You take the moldy grape you found and fling it at the bobcat. Without even breaking stride the cat gulps down the projectile. You pause for a beat to see if the grape will cause a bad reaction to the cat - but he seems to have not been affected at all.
You dive back into the cabin before the cat reaches you. At least you got rid of that moldy grape though.
<<set $inventory.delete($throw)>>\
[[Continue|main room]]
<<elseif $throw != "tuna">>\
"Take this, Mr. Bobcat!" you shout as you hurl the $throw at the onrushing beast.
But the $throw has no effect and bounces right off the bobcat. Now the bobcat seems even angrier!
At the last second you tumble back into the cabin and shut the door - just in the nick of time!
<<set $inventory.delete($throw)>>\
<<set $thrownOnGround.pushUnique($throw)>>\
[[Continue|main room]]
<<elseif $throw == "tuna">>\
<<audio battle stop>>\
<<audio battleWin play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nibs-throws-tuna.png" class="center">
You grab the tuna can and fling it like a frisbee towards the bobcat. The tuna hits the cat smack in the middle of its head. The bobcat stops in its tracks as if it can't believe what just happened. It lets out a sad whimper and then turns tail and flees back into the forest.
Looks like that tuna can really saved the day!
<<set $inventory.delete($throw)>>\
<<set $thrownOnGround.pushUnique($throw)>>\
<<set $bobcatThere = false>>\
<</if>><<audio ":all" stop>>\
You stand in the forest just outside the cabin.
<<for _i, _name range $thrownOnGround>>\
<<capture _name>>\
The _name that you threw at the bobcat lies on the ground.
<<if $inventory.includes(_name)>>\
<<linkreplace "Pick up the _name<br>">> You already have _name.
<<linkreplace "Pick up the _name<br>">> You pick up the _name.
<<audio quickItem play>>\
<<set $inventory.pushUnique(_name)>>\
<<set $thrownOnGround.delete(_name)>>\
[[Take the path to the left|left path]]
[[Take the path to the right|right path]]
<<if not $inventory.includes("cake") and $inventory.includes("knife")>>\
[[Follow the path leading further into the forest|lost woods]]
<<link "Head back to the cabin">>
<<audio door play>>\
<<timed 2s>>\
<<goto "main room">>\
<</link>>\You take the left path.
<span id="ToReplace">There is a <<link "squirrel">>
<<replace "#ToReplace">>\
The squirrel (a member of the family <em>Sciuridae</em>) scurries out of your reach, chittering at you.\
staring at you.</span>
<<linkreplace "A particularly large tree stands nearby">>This appears to be a tree of the <em>Sequoioideae</em> family. Fascinating.<</linkreplace>>
<<if $inventory.includes("log")>>\
<<linkreplace "Build a lean-too">>\
Who do you think you are, Nibs of the Prairie?!\
[[Go back|forest]]
[[Go back|forest]]
<</if>>\You take the right path and find yourself in a nice clearing. There is a mound of logs underneath a tarp.
<<linkreplace "Take a log">>\
<<if $inventory.includes("log")>>\
You already have a log!\
<<elseif $stove == true>>\
Are you trying to get buff from lugging around all these logs, Nibs? The stove is already lit so you don't need another log!\
<<elseif $inventory.includes("mitts")>>\
You put on the oven mitts (don't want a splinter!) and pull out a log from the pile. Boy, it's heavy!\
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("log")>>\
<<audio quickItem play>>\
You are about to reach for the log, but then you realize you might get a splinter in your paw! You need to find a way to protect your paws.\
[[Go back|forest]]<<audio hyrule loop play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/lostwoods.png" class="center">
You head further into the forest. The foliage has become denser and the trees are blocking most of the light. You think you hear an owl hoot in the distance. It is quite spooky!
This must be the Lost Woods you have heard about.
<<if $gotDuddlesDirections == true>>\
[[Go north|north1]]
[[Go north|lost in woods]]
[[Go east|lost in woods]]
[[Go south|lost in woods]]
[[Go west|lost in woods]]
<<set $forestCounter = 0>>\
<<set $gotLost = true>>\<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/lostwoods.png" class="center">
You find yourself in another section of the forest that looks the same as all the others.
[[Go north|lost in woods]]
[[Go east|lost in woods]]
[[Go south|lost in woods]]
[[Go west|west2]]<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/lostwoods.png" class="center">
<<set $forestCounter++>>\
<<if $forestCounter > 3>>\
<<audio hyrule stop>>\
<<audio lostInTheWoods play>>\
You finally admit that you are truly lost in the Lost Woods. It's probably not worth exploring the Lost Woods until you know the correct path to follow.
It reminds you of the original Zelda game where you had to give rupees to someone in a cave to get directions through the forest maze. Actually, that Zelda cave kind of reminds you of Stu's closet. But where are you going to get rupees to give to Stu?
[[Leave the Lost Woods|forest]]
You find yourself in another section of the forest that looks the same as all the others.
[[Go north|lost in woods]]
[[Go east|lost in woods]]
[[Go south|lost in woods]]
[[Go west|lost in woods]]
<</if>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/lostwoods.png" class="center">
You find yourself in another section of the forest that looks the same as all the others.
[[Go north|lost in woods]]
[[Go east|lost in woods]]
[[Go south|south3]]
[[Go west|lost in woods]]<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/lostwoods.png" class="center">
You find yourself in another section of the forest that looks the same as all the others.
[[Go north|lost in woods]]
[[Go east|lost in woods]]
[[Go south|lost in woods]]
[[Go west|west4]]<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nibs-finds-cake.png" class="center">
You find yourself in another section of the forest that looks the same as all the others.
But wait - you think you see something shining behind one of the trees. You peer closer and discover a <<linkappend "mysterious gift-wrapped box.">>
<<audio hyrule stop>>\
<<audio zeldaSecret play>>\
You open the box and find a cake! It is even big enough so that each bear can have a slice. It seems to be a carrot cake. Wow, what are the odds of finding that in the middle of the forest?
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("cake")>>\
<<link "Take the cake and leave the Lost Woods">>
<<audio quickItem play>>\
<<timed 1s>>\
<<goto forest>>\
<</linkappend>>"Good morning, Schlop," you say to the mound of blankets. "Today is Lee's birthday, will you be able to make it to the party?"
But there is no reply, only the faint sound of snoozing as the blankets slowly rise and fall.
<<if $stove == false>>You know from experience that it will be very difficult to get Schlop out of bed, especially when the cabin is as cold as it is currently. <em>Brrrrrrr!</em> Someone must have forgot to turn on the wood-burning stove.
<<elseif $madeToast == false>>You know from experience that it will be very difficult to get Schlop out of bed. The cabin is now warm and toasty with the stove on, but it's just not <em>toasty</em> enough. If only you could find a way to make some fresh toast, that should be able to get Schlop out of bed.
<<set $decideToast = true>>
[[Go back|main room]]
You decide to take a quick nap nestled in the warm cocoon of blankets.
But just as you are drifting off, you hear a strange noise under the pillow.
<<linkreplace "Investigate the noise">>\
<<audio pocahontas play>>\
You reach under the pillow and pull out... Lee's cell phone! I guess Duddles must have left it there after watching Pocahontas last night.
After that interruption, you no longer feel sleepy and are ready to continue your quest.
<<link "Take the phone and leave the bed">>
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("phone")>>\
<<audio quickItem play>>\
<<timed 1s>>\
<<goto "main room">>\
<</linkreplace>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/duddles-rug.png" class="center">
<<if $gotStuClue == false or $rsvps.includes("Duddles")>>\
Duddles is dozing on the hook rug Lee has been making. It's his favorite place to nap at the moment. He looks so peaceful you would hate to disturb him.
[[Go back|couch]]
<<if $inventory.includes("cake")>>\
Duddles is hanging out on Lee's hook rug.
"Hey Duddles, I forgot to ask - can you make it to Lee's party?"
"Hoo, of course," says Duddles. "Lee is my favorite and gives me lots of pats, hoo hoo."
<<link "Go back" "couch">>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Duddles")>>\
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Duddles")>>\
Duddles is peacefully napping on Lee's hook rug. You hate to disturb his slumber - but Stu said that Duddles was the only bear who knew the path through the Lost Wood. You poke Duddles gently and he sleepily turns towards you.
"Duddles, do you remember the way through the Lost Woods?" you say.
"Hooo," Duddles says. "I remember a lot of things. You just have to give me a shake, hoo hoo. Like the magic eight ball."
[["Okay, I'll give it a shot."|shake duddles]]
[["Nah, this is too weird for me."|couch]]
<<if $memoryIndex >= $memories.length>>\
<<audio shake stop>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/duddles-rug.png" class="center">
<<set $gotDuddlesDirections = true>>\
Duddles was too active and needs to rest.
<<set $memoryIndex++>>\
<<if $memoryIndex > $memories.length + 1>>\
<<set $memoryIndex = 0>>\
[[Go back|couch]]
<<audio disco stop>>\
<<audio shake loop play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/duddles-shake.png" class="center">
You give Duddles a gentle shake.
<<set $memory = $memories[$memoryIndex]>>\
<<set $memoryIndex++>>\
"I remember $memory, hoo hoo."
[[Shake duddles again|shake duddles]]
<</if>><<audio ":all" stop>>\
<<audio disco loop play>>\
You are close to being ready for Lee's party, but after checking over the RSVP list you notice one bear is missing. However you know just how to get them to come.
<<linkreplace "Press Sneeches' friendship lamp">>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/flashing-lamp.png" class="center">
You tap the top of the lamp and it glows a bright blue color. After a few moments the color changes to pink - Peaches just sent a hug!
You hear the sound of a bear flying down the staircase at a breakneck speed and then Sneeches bursts into the room.
"A hug from Peaches?!" Sneeches says in amazement. He rushes over to the lamp and begins sending back hug after hug. The room fills with pulsating blue and pink light.
Nice, now all the bears are accounted for and the party can begin!
<<link "Get the party started" "party2">>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Sneeches")>>
<</linkreplace>>You now have almost everything you need for Lee's birthday party: there is great party music, Sneeches' lamp is making colorful party lights, and you have the cake from the forest.
The only thing missing is the Most Amazing Gift. But you have no idea what to get for Lee.
"I'm afraid I don't have a gift for Lee," you say sadly.
"But don't you see, Nibs?" says Snuffles. "You brought us all together for Lee's birthday so now we can give her the best gift - bear hugs!"
"You're right, Snuffles," you say. "I'll start off the bear hugs of appreciation for Lee!"
[[Commence the bear hugs!|bear hugs]]"Good guessing little Nibs dude," Snowy says. "That riddle was really melting my mind!"
"The reason I came up to the attic is that today is Lee's birthday and I'm trying to organize a party. Can you guys make it?"
"A party? You know I'll be there, little dude!" says Snowy. Klondike and the pink bear also nod in agreement.
"Yeah I guess I will grace your little shindig with my presence," sighs PB, "but there better be dip."
You are about to turn to leave when you notice there is another bear in the attic.
<<link "Continue" "sneechesAttic">>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("PB")>>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Snowy")>>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Klondike")>>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Schlupskya")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("PB")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Snowy")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Klondike")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Schlupskya")>>
<</link>>Then it hits you - you can use Lee's phone to distract Sneeches. He always gets excited when there are circles in the crossword (or <em>Sneechword</em> as he calls it) and it just so happens there were circles in today's puzzle.
You take out Lee's phone and open up the app.
"Hey Sneeches, did you see there are circles on today's Sneechword?"
"Circles?!" Sneeches shouts in excitement. He rushes over and takes the phone and begins filling out the puzzle, leaving the friendship lamp completely unguarded. You feel a bit bad taking the lamp - but realize it is the only way to get Sneeches to leave the attic and come to the party. Plus it will make for some killer party lights with all the different colors.
<<set $inventory.delete("phone")>>\
<<set $inventory.pushUnique("lamp")>>\
<<link "Nab the lamp" "general attic">>
<<audio quickItem play>>\
<</link>><<set $bearToPos = {"Shnoodles":0,"Snuffles":1,"Petri":2}>>
<<set $posToBear = {0:["Shnoodles"], 1:["Snuffles"], 2:["Petri"]}>>
<<set $rsvps = []>>
<<set $inventory = []>>
<<set $wokenUp = false>>
<<set $didntCheckBed = false>>
<<set $word = "">>
<<set $words = []>>
<<set $wordle = "disco">>
<<set $unusedLetters = []>>
<<for _i,_letter range "acbdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">>
<<set $unusedLetters.push(_letter)>>
<<set $stove = false>>
<<set $ateGrape = false>>
<<set $gotLost = false>>
<<set $gotStuClue = false>>
<<set $gotDuddlesDirections = false>>
<<set $bobcatThere = true>>
<<set $thrownOnGround = []>>
<<set $decideToast = false>>
<<set $decideStack = false>>
<<set $madeToast = false>>
<<set $hasMusic = false>>
<<set $showInventory = false>>
<<set $illegalMoveObj = {0:false}>>
<<set $memories = ["eating Handisnacks with the red cheese spreaders","Sheldon the egg on Garfield and Friends","taking naps on the poof","the last path you must take is west","going on slides at Fantastic Nathan's","getting lost behind the dryer","watching American Gladiators and eating Caramello's","the third path must be south","the Warpit Guardian and the cheeseburger stuffie","my friend the Meeko pillow","apple croissants from La Boulangerie","the first step must be to the north","listening to the days of the week song on the record player","eating Fruit by the Foots and oatmeal with sprinkles","the second path goes west"]>>
<<set $memoryIndex = 0>>
<<set $rsvpBears = ["Shnoodles", "Petri", "Snuffles", "PB", "Schlupskya", "Snowy", "Klondike", "Schlop", "Duddles", "Stu"]>>
<<cacheaudio "zeldaGotSword" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/zeldaGotSword.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "tetris" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/tetris.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "marioWin" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/mario-win.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "zeldaSecret" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/nesZeldaSecret.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "pocahontas" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/pocahontas.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "disco" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/disco.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "battle" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/battle.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "battleWin" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/battleWin.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "lostInTheWoods" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/lostInTheWoods.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "hyrule" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/hyrule.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "creak1" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/creak1.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "creak2" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/creak2.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "creak3" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/creak3.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "attic" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/attic.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "jeopardy" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/jeopardy.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "door" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/door.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "fire" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/fire.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "shake" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/shake.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "theme" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/theme.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "quickItem" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/quickItem.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "sadTrombone" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/sadTrombone.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "zeldaHarp" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/zeldaHarp.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "birthdaySong" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/birthdaySong.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "zeldaFall" "http://schlopstakovich.com/music/nibsquest/zeldaFall.mp3">><<audio zeldaHarp play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/schlop-toast.png" class="center">
You place the toast on the kitchen table. The pleasant aroma of warm buttery toast soon fills the cabin.
On cue Schlop hurries into the kitchen and immediately starts eating the toast. You knew it would work!
"Schlop, can you make it to Lee's birthday party?" you ask.
Schlop makes an unintelligible noise while crunching down on the toast - but you're pretty sure that was a yes.
<<link "Leave kitchen" "main room">>
<<set $rsvps.pushUnique("Schlop")>>
<<set $rsvpBears.delete("Schlop")>>
<</link>><<audio disco stop>>\
<<audio birthdaySong loop play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nibs-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Thanks for taking me for Krispy Kreme after we had to get shots!
<<link "Get Nibs hug" "duddles hug">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>
<</link>><<audio birthdaySong stop>>\
<<audio marioWin play>>\
Congratulations, Nibs!
You successfully completed your quest!
Now you can [[enjoy the party!|last passage]]<<audio tetris loop play>>\
You need to stack the three bears right next to the counter, but be careful - littler bears must always sit atop a bigger bear or else the whole structure could collapse!
<<if $posToBear[2][2] == "Petri" and $posToBear[2][1] == "Snuffles">>
<<audio tetris stop>>
<<audio marioWin play>>
<<timed 8s>>
<<goto wonStacking>>
<<elseif $illegalMoveObj[0] == true>>
<<goto bearTopple>>
<div class="flex">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 3; _i++>>
<<if $posToBear[_i][2] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][1] == "Snuffles" and _i < 2 >>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnood-snuff-petri.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][2] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][1] == "Snuffles" and _i == 2 >>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nibsclimbs.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][1] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Shnoodles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnood-petri.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][1] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Snuffles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/snuff-petri.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][1] == "Snuffles" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Shnoodles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnood-snuff.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][0] == "Petri">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/petri.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][0] == "Shnoodles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnood.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][0] == "Snuffles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/snuff.png" height="300" width="100">
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nobears.png" height="300" width="100">
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/toaster300-shrunk.png" height="300" width="100">
<<button "Shnoodles left">>\
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Shnoodles -1 $illegalMoveObj>>\
<<print " ">>\
<<button "Shnoodles right">>
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Shnoodles 1 $illegalMoveObj>>
<<button "Snuffles left">>\
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Snuffles -1 $illegalMoveObj>>\
<<print " ">>\
<<button "Snuffles right">>
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Snuffles 1 $illegalMoveObj>>
<<button "Petri left">>\
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Petri -1 $illegalMoveObj>>\
<<print " ">>\
<<button "Petri right">>
<<moveBear $bearToPos $posToBear Petri 1 $illegalMoveObj>>
<</button>><<audio fire loop play>>\
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/stove-on.png" class="center">
You open the stove and carefully add in your log. You close the stove and hit the big red "Start" button. The stove immediately heats the entire cabin to a balmy 72 degrees. Hey, that was easy!
[[Go back|main room]]
<<set $stove = true>>\
<<set $inventory.delete("log")>>\
[[Click here to begin playing|titlescreen]]
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/newTitle.png" class="center" width=75%>
[[Start game|wake up]]
<<audio theme loop play>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/duddles-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Thanks for watching Pocahontas with me when I have trouble sleeping, hoo hoo!
<<link "Get Duddles hug" "snuffles hug">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>
<</link>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/snuffles-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Thanks for letting me hang out on your head while we watched M*A*S*H!
<<link "Get Snuffles hug" "shnoodles hug">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>
<</link>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnoodles-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Thanks for watching so many cool movies and also the Oscar Shnoods with me!
<<link "Get Shnoodles hug" "sneeches hug">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/sneeches-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Thanks for helping me zoom so much with PEACHES and send FRIENDSHIP HUGS!
<<link "Get Sneeches hug" "schlop hug">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>
<</link>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/schlop-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Thanks for all the warm hugs and naps!
<<link "Get Schlop hug" "all hug">>
<<audio zeldaHarp play>>
<</link>><img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/all-hug.jpg" class="rounded" width=50%>
Happy Birthday Lee!
From all bears (and Dave)!
[[End Game]]You need to stack the three bears right next to the counter, but be careful - littler bears must always sit atop a bigger bear or else the whole structure could collapse!
<div class="flex">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 3; _i++>>
<<if $posToBear[_i][2] == "Shnoodles" and $posToBear[_i][1] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Snuffles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/snuff-petri-shnood.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][2] == "Snuffles" and $posToBear[_i][1] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Shnoodles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnood-petri-snuff.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][1] == "Snuffles" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Petri">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/petri-snuff.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][1] == "Petri" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Shnood">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/petri-shnood.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][1] == "Shnoodles" and $posToBear[_i][0] == "Snuffles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/snuff-shnood.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][0] == "Petri">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/petri.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][0] == "Shnoodles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/shnood.png" height="300" width="100">
<<elseif $posToBear[_i][0] == "Snuffles">>
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/snuff.png" height="300" width="100">
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/nobears.png" height="300" width="100">
<div class="imgContainer">
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/toaster300-shrunk.png" height="300" width="100">
<<timed 3s>>
<<goto bearTopple2>>
<</timed>><<audio tetris stop>>\
<<audio zeldaFall play>>\
You need to stack the three bears right next to the counter, but be careful - littler bears must always sit atop a bigger bear or else the whole structure could collapse!
<img src="http://schlopstakovich.com/images/nibsquest/bearTopple.png" height="300" width="400" class="center">
Oh no! You've carelessly stacked a big bear on top of a smaller bear and the whole tower of bears has come crashing to the floor. It feels oddly similar to the Tower of Babel myth - hopefully the bears won't start speaking in incomprehensible languages... like Schlop?
"We're willing to try again," says Shnoodles. "But this time try to pay more attention, please."
[[Give the stacking another go|testKitchen2]]
<<set $bearToPos = {"Shnoodles":0,"Snuffles":1,"Petri":2}>>
<<set $posToBear = {0:["Shnoodles"], 1:["Snuffles"], 2:["Petri"]}>>
<<set $illegalMoveObj = {0:false}>><<audio disco loop play>>\
PB saunters up to you.
"Pretty lame party," PB says. "There's not even any dip."
<<if $inventory.includes("grape")>>\
"And why exactly have you been carrying around that moldy grape the whole time?"
I guess you can't please everyone!
<span class="cursive">Thanks for playing!</span>