Schlop's Personal Nibsistant

Nibs answers any questions you have about that infamous bear named Schlop.
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Schlop's Personal Nibsistant

Post by Muffins »

Nibs, I was wondering what it is like being Schlop's personal assistant. Maybe you could post an example of what a daily itenerary is like for you in taking care of Schlop and stuff.
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yeah....about that...

Post by Nibs »

Hi Muffs,

Thanks for trying to keep the Q&A alive. But you see, by now well I can only assume that you know how Schlop is when it comes to questions not being about him and all and well you see perhaps you could rephrase the question to be more about Schlop and I'd be happy to answer.

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Post by Muffins »

Well I've been thinking this over for awhile and came up with this question:

How does Schlop feel having Nibs as his personal nibsistant? What kinds of things does Schlop have Nibs do for him during the day?
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