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Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:51 pm
by mini-nibs
Hey gang.

I saw that Lee has posted some drawings of Schlop on this site. Well, I did a little research and found out how you can color a scanned image with photoschlop:
1) Adjust the levels on the scan(Image>Adjustments) to kind of 'clean' the picture up; ie. make the blacks blacker and the whites whiter so the lines show up better

2) Select>Color Range to get all your black ink lines selected, adjust as necessary. You can also select the white and then go to Select>Inverse to get the same effect

3) Once all your lines are selected, make sure your Paths Window is showing. At the bottom of the paths window box, there are little buttons that will say "convert selection to path", "stroke/fill selection", and vice-versa.

4) Click on "convert selection to path", then you can tinker with the paths or go ahead and fill them with whatever color, usually black, you want. You'll probably want to delete the paths themselves after the color fill, and if you haven't already, delete the white spaces.

5)Use layers! Make sure to give the lines their own layer and lock it so you can't accidentally mess them up. There are lots of ways to color digitally, depending on the style and your tools. You can also make a separate layer for each color, for each section, or however you want, but always keep an untouched line layer on top. Remember to Flatten Image once you're done.
Let us know if you try this out Lee!

Checking in

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:15 am
by mini-nibs
Hey gang.

This is some exciting news I just heard about. Apparently there is a new thing that will be sweeping the internets in the future months. You guys should check it out: ... id=3549166


Bunny news

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:21 am
by mini-nibs
Have you guys seen this bunny information - it's very surprising!


Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:34 pm
by mini-nibs
Hey gang.

I found out about a cool site that lets you pick all the books you have read (up to 200 for free) and then rate the books and then you can find other people that have similar taste to you and see what they recommend. I helped Gulliver set up a profile and we have been adding different books around the room. Check it out here: ... liver_bean

Not surprisingly a lot of people have read the Harry Schloper books, but surprisingly there were 18 people that had also read Stone Junction! I wonder if you guys can find a book that only one other person has read? Nibs - you should set up your own profile.

* amazing *

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:02 am
by mini-nibs
Hey gang... this is the best video I've seen yet on youtube. It got a little dusty in the room when I watched it... ... =1&t=a&f=b


Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:04 pm
by Schlop


Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:02 pm
by Mr. Monkey
Color me not-impressed. I've been to way more places and have way more hats than that dancing bloke.

Speaka de Ingles

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:21 pm
by PB

Can you translate this one for me?

speaking of interesting...

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:49 pm
by PB
Yo miniNibs,

I think this is a pretty funny video.

Do you think the guy in the background is their roommate? Pretty funny how he just sits there the whole time, eh? ... ng+zepplin


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:26 pm
by mini-nibs
Hey PB, that's cool you like youtube too...

Here's one I just watched about a new technology that allows people to watch TV in the air just like in Star Wars. That means we will one day be able to surf Schlop's site in the air. Cool!

Sleepy cats

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:09 pm
by mini-nibs
Looks like this cat is pretty sleepy, huh? That was my interpretation at least.

Gund with the wind

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:28 pm
by mini-nibs
Hey gang - I noticed that GUND doesn't have an entry in Wikischlopopedia. What a shame! I edited in a request for someone to make the page, but there were thousands of other requests. I think that one of us should make the page themselves. That way we could even include pictures of us as example Gunds! How cool would that be? It's like the bears that were posted on the 'Stuffed animal' page. They are just some random stuffed animals. Well, Nibs I know you are busy launching SchlopSite 2.0, but maybe PB could work on this wikipedia site.


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:50 pm
by Nibs
Hey Gulliver,

I was reading through your library. It says you only gave Waterschlop Down 4 stars instead of 5. It must be a mistake!

You should fix it and change it before someone thinks you gave such a low rating to such a good book about bunnies. What will Hazel think? Or Duddles-rah?

I hate EVERYbody

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:54 pm
by mini-nibs
Hey, you all might enjoy this Die Hard music video. I hear Lee is a big fan of the third one! ... r%2Ecom%2F

PS - I spotted a gigantic bear near the start of the song! Fatter than Schlop even.

A schlop a day

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:17 pm
by mini-nibs
Hey gang - here's a video I found out about on of a girl who took a picture of herself every day for three years:

Imagine if Lee had been doing this with Schlop ever since she first got him. Then we would be able to see how much weight he has put on!