Hi bear friends!
Wow, this year's experiment of no-purchased-gift giving has been a success!
The St Louis bears made the world's most amazing Jeopardy game for us Forest bears, that deeply rewarded Sneeches' fervent practice of memorizing all the Elf types in the Dragon Prince kingdom! It was soooo cool because that category also combined movie titles- we bears are still yammering about it daily. The other categories were amazing too since it was such a thoughtful overview of all the things we've read and watched and talked about this year. Really, that gift was incredible! Plus we got to play it together and share a cool experience of it together! (You can see all the questions here:
viewtopic.php?p=4962#p4962 )
On our end, we Forest Bears attempted something a little beyond our skill that took a lot of tries to create, but we eventually got there! We made a card where you can tuck certain bears into the bed and get MAGE WING hugs from time to time hoo hoo. It was super fun to learn how to do paper-craft and make pull-tabs to move bears around!
I'd love to share some behind the scenes photos!
Here's what a normal day in our world looks like, when all of us are neatly tucked. This was the inspiration image.
Then after realizing her drawing skills weren't up to snuff(les), Lee made us all pose for a photo shoot, hoo hoo. It was fun to be a bear model. The hardest was getting Sneeches to keep his paws open!
Then Lee used a red folder to create the "bed" and tucked us all in. It took a few tries to get the pull-tabs working, which is why Sneeches' tab has an extra bit taped onto it. Here's what it looked like before the coloring began. This part makes me snarf a lot!
Then Lee took out her crayons and started turning the bed into a FLANNEL bed, hoo hoo! She wasn't anticipating that the crayons would be a little messy tho, so we added the white paper to try to soak up any overflow of crayon color. Hopefully the card isn't too messy!
As you know, the real bed has 3 pillows and no bear is ever without a pillow. But we scoped it down to 2 pillows since it looked better. We were excited that the blue pillow gets to be a part of this!
Our goal was to have Sneeches start tucked and then pop up with MAGE WING HUGS for PEACHES.
We wanted Schlop to just have ears poking out and then pop up every now and then for hugs.
And we wanted Duddles to get to be tucked in!
(There has been some concern that Duddles never sleeps on his back. This is true, but we wanted his smile to really shine in a happy Snoopy type of vibe.)
We thought about allowing every bear to move, but it already took us 12 hours to get it this far, so we decided to let me and Snuffles and Shnoodles keep sleeping where we are! Also a quick shout out and hug to Petri who is usually in the big bed but didn't get featured in this card.
Anysneech, it was a fun undertaking and we hope it helps Dave and the St Louis bears know how much they mean to us!
We really like them!