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The Time Traveler's Schlop
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:16 pm
by Gulliver
Hey Lee. I just finished The Time Traveler's Schlop - well, I didn't read all of it because there was a lot of stuff that was too dirty for me. Also, I had to skip over much of what happened after page 333. So I can't really say if you should read it or not. But here is one part I really liked! It's about Henry (the time traveler) and his daughter Alba. It's told in the first person from Henry's perspective!
Alba is sitting up in the bed, in the midst of every stuffed animal she has. She scoots aside and I lift myself onto the bed. She fussily arranges some of the toys around me. I put my arm around her and lean back and she holds out Blue Teddy to me. "He wants to eat marshmallows."
"It's a little early for marshmallows, Blue Teddy. How about some poached eggs and toast?"
Alba makes a face. She does it by squinching together her mouth and eyebrows and nose. "Teddy doesn't like eggs," she announces.
"Shhhhh. Mama's sleeping."
"Okay," Alba whispers, loudly. "Teddy wants blue Jell-O." I hear Clare groan and start to get up in the other room.
"Cream of Wheat?" I cajole. Alba considers. "With brown sugar?"
So exciting! Although I can't help but feel that perhaps Alba is projecting some of her own feelings onto Blue Teddy... Personally I find it hard to believe that a bear would turn down poached eggs.
I can't wait to see this scene in the movie! Hmmm, I wonder if they are still casting?
*Gulliver day-dreaming*
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:33 pm
by lee
Petri (and Shnoodles and Gulliver),
I know you guys won't be able to believe this, but I was at home all weekend with Mom and I had some time to kill so I finally picked up and read all of....
That book was great!!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to read. I really liked it!! Maybe I should give Anansi Boys another try.
Anyway, me and Baby Schlop (who read it with me) compiled a list of the 3 greatest part of the book...
#3 When Coraline writes a story on her Dad's computer and talks about how the person's shoes were "sossajes" (hoo hoo...Shnoodles, did you like that part?) hoo hoo.
#2 When Coraline is making her own meals after her parents have been kidnapped by her other mother but before Coraline realizes this... for lunch one day she goes to the store and buys "baking chocolate" and eats that for lunch! Just like you guys, Shnoodles! hooo hoo hoo
#1 Well by far the funniest and best and most hysterical part of the book was the DOGS in the theater!!! Hoo hoo hoo. I actually laughed out loud- I've never laughed out loud at a book in so long. Our favorite line was when the lady says "is this a dagger i see before me?" and all the dogs shout "IT IS!!" Hoo hoo hoo hooo hoo hooo hooo hoo. Then the dog wants her CHOCOLATE!!! And he keeps asking for more!!! And he doesn't want the toffee kind. That dog was so cute!!! We really like that dog. Hoo hoo hoo hoo.
Otherwise, it was a pretty scary book and it was a good thing Baby Schlop was there because there were lots of spider-like things and oozing nasty things and the button eyes were scary.... but Coraline made it back safely and freed the souls of the kids and rescued her parents and trapped that freaky hand... hooray!!! And yay for the dogs!!
Best Book Ever. Thanks for recommending it Petri. Wanna play some Plunder?
Game on!
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:52 pm
by Petri
Yeah, I wanna play! Can I move first?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:54 pm
by Gulliver
That's awesome Lee! Guess what? I liked that part with the dogs too! It's funny in the audio book. Here is what I wrote on my own book thread earlier just so you know I am not copying you with liking the dogs:
I just finished the Coraline audio book. It was great! I highly recommend audio books as a way of reading books. It is much easier on the eyes and also you get less paper cuts on your paws.
I love the part where the actress says 'Is this a dagger before me?' and all the dogs shout "Yes!"
Neil shouts 'Yes' in a funny way! You should check the audio book out from your library if you want to hear it!
Something very old and very slow
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:57 pm
by Petri
Lee I was going to cross Coraline off your list... but I remembered I have to make sure you read it first. It sounds like you read it - but I have to be sure. Okay... the question is what was the subject of the television show Coraline watched? Good luck!
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:48 pm
by Duddles
Hoo hoo.
Toffee chocolates make me drool too! Hoo hoo.
i failed....
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:17 am
by lee
Ah crap, Petri.
I've been wracking my brain for days... I CANT REMEMBER what she watched on TV... and it's driving me CRAZY!!!
I know it was a discovery channel type show... I think maybe it was about some sort of ancient civilization or had something to do with architecture I want to say... but honestly I can't picture it. ARG!!!
Please tell me... I'm sorry I failed the quiz. Maybe I can have another question.
I'd still like to play some Plunder.
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:30 pm
by Duddles
Do or do not - there is no try
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:34 pm
by Petri
Lee - here is another question since you blanked on the last one: what is Coraline's last name?
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:27 am
by Petri
Lee - remember when you read that Al Franken book? Well, guess what? He has announced that he is running for Senate in Minnesota! Pretty exciting huh? Are you gonna move there to vote for him?
Here is his video announcement:
New snuff book
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:34 pm
by Snuffles
I just heard that one of Lee's favorite authors has a new book out and - get this! - it is called
Snuff! ... adid=31886