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Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:32 am
by Petri
What Snicket started, we must finish!

This is a story started by DJ's favorite author - Lemony Snicket. But it is unfinished, and now we must help finish it in the most nontedious manner possible. I'm no good at stories, but I think if we all work together we can make magic happen. You know, with all of us beans working together, get that whole freaky hive mind thing going, we'll be unstoppable!

Here is the story:

It was February, and five children, all of whom were more or less healthy, were sitting on the ground in a lazy circle. It was quite dark, and the children had to squint to see one another's frowning faces.
"I wish we were ice skating," said Robin.
"I wish we were eating Mexican food," said Apu.
"I wish we were wearing boots," said Alastair.
"I wish we were playing percussion instruments," said Lillian.
Miranda sighed. She was the youngest of the five children, but nevertheless she was often the leader of the group. She tried not to be bossy about it, but it is difficult not to be bossy from time to time. "We can't do any of those things," she said. "We're not at a skating rink, and we don't have any skates. We're not in Mexico, and there's not an enchilada in sight. We're not wearing boots, and there's not a department store for miles arouund. And we're not playing percussion instruments, because it wouldn't be wise to make so much noise. After all, we're in a puzzling and possibly dangerous situation. I know it's difficult to believe, but we may have to face the fact that we're on our own."
"But how can that be?" Robin asked. "Just a few hours ago we were on a picnic with Madame Blatavsky, when all of a sudden

Now get cracking fellows!


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:38 am
by Snuffles
Oooooooooo thats a tough one.

It seems to me the crux of the story is what happened at this picnic with the lady. I wonder what kind of food they had at the picnic. But who goes on a picnic in February? Maybe they are somewhere warm or in the Southern hemisphere. Or maybe it is an ice picnic. Have you guys ever been on an ice picnic?


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:47 am
by Muffins
Ice picnic? Yeah, I've been on an ice picnic!

I tell ya - I freezed my muffins off!

But seriously, if they did go on an ice picnic - they probably would have worn boots AND there would be skating nearby. So that's out. But maybe they went on an inside picnic.

Do you think they had muffins at the picnic?

I know!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:19 am
by Shnoodles
I'm thinking that something happened to Madame Blatavsky - and it had something to do with wombats. Evil wombats.


Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:10 am
by Muffins
Oh, I've just thought of something, but ... are we still working on this?

My idea is that they have all gone insane. Mrs Blatavsky was killed and now they are lost and they are slowly going insane!

Is that too scary for a children's book?

Muffins' Mysterious Magical Malice

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:48 am
by PB
Muffins wrote:My idea is that they have all gone insane. Mrs Blatavsky was killed and now they are lost and they are slowly going insane!
Did anyone else notice that Muffins posted this right before that Evil Monkey was unleashed and made Nibs insane?

I wonder if Muffins has that power to make things happen that he thinks up... like that one terrifying Dr Seuss story... where the kid thinks up a monster that won't go away... man, that thing was SO scary. I think it was in the "I Can Lick 30 Tigers" book... hoo boy.