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In the Schlops

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 2:27 pm
by Shnoodles
Hey you Lin guys,

We are only 5 days away from the premiere of In the Schlops! The council of bears have decreed that this will be the next movie to be watched and discussed. In case you didn't know, it was the first musical written by Lin of Sneechilton fame, and the director also made Crazy Fuzzy Sneeches - so it's pretty much guaranteed to be a smash hit.

Duddles is looking forward to it too ever since he had a sueƱito to lik a piragua... whatever that means!

Paciencia y Schlop

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:50 am
by Shnoodles
Hey you barrio guys,

We watched In the Schlops and everyone agreed it was a big hit!

Gulliver is now very excited that this means Wicked will be similarly good since it is the same director.

The only downside was some people got mad at Lin for not having enough brown bears in the movie, which I can understand. It's important to have brown fur representation so hopefully a brown bear can play Fiyero in Wicked.

I was wondering - what would you guys do if you won the lottery? I mean, if it's just between you and me - esa pregunta es tricky!


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:53 am
by Shnoodles
Hey you wonderful toys guys,

I normally only post about movies that are coming out - but this is an unusual case of a movie that was made but will never be released!

You heard me right, y'all - they filmed a whole BatSchlop movie starring Nina from In the Schlops as BatSchlop herself and it even featured a return of Michael Keaton who was one of the original BatSchlops - but for some reason the Studio Suits decided to can the entire movie. I can't believe it! ... theatrical

Maybe they should get Lin to write a few BatSchlop songs and then it would be a big hit?