
Nibs answers any questions you have about that infamous bear named Schlop.
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Post by mini-nibs »

I thought we could have a thread where we talk about emails from the past. Recently I have been research the etymology of the 'No Pants' craze of '05. Here are some tidbits I have found:
9/1/05 Schlop: Lord of the Pants

Optimism - the glass is half full
Pessimism - the glass is half empty
Schloptimism - the glass is half fuzzy and has NO pants

9/2/05 Schlop & Nibs

Schlop out - s now pants.

9/7/05 Schlop is O.D.O.R.O.U.S.

Lee: Schlop, no pants
Dave: Inappropriate!

9/9/05 Filter test

Does your email filter remove emails with the following phrase:


Schlop no-pants McGee


9/13/05 (from Lee) NiBs NiBs NiBs

Schlop stayed up half the night trying to figure out what the Eagles/Falcons game had to do with American Tale. Then he got distracted thinking about CHEESE and no cats and no pants... and well, he fell asleep.


Schloptober coming soon.
No pants.

9/2805 A quick message from Shnoodles

Shnoodles just wanted me to pass this along:
Whenever he refers to himself with the 'no pants' addendum, he will also add the clever phrase: In The Shnood.

For example:
Talk to yous later!
Shnoodles - no pants (in the shnood)

9/28/05 A Schlop for every season

Do you think Schlop can come over today to watch Lost with me and the bears?

There is one ice cream sandwhich left and he can have it.

Maybe he could bring Nibs frozen tail also.

Shnoods out - no pants (In The Shnood!)

9/29/05 A Sea Monster Ate schlop's Ice Cream sandwhich!!!

Dear Schlop - Lost was ok - didn't really move the plot forward very much. Snowy was good though!

I've read on Neil's blog about people who want him to draw on them and then they go to get the drawing turned into a tattoo. Which is kind of strange since he was just a comic writer and not the artist.. Me and the bears are looking forward to hearing all that he talked about.

Ok, have fun at wicked. Are you taking Schlop along. Don't squeeze him to hard or he will lose his outer-most layer of blubber.

Shnoods out - in the shnood with no pants.

10/5/05 Re: DJ finished his frosty pancakes

Ok, DJ just solved the 12 step one - but it was lame - it just said congratulations but nothing happened. I thought it would be like the other one where all the things worked together to do stuff - but that guy that came from the ladder just stood there, and the egg monster just stood there, and that was it. Did DJ do it right?

Lost today was really good! There was polar bears!

When is thanksgiving? Is that when wicked is showing? Can we get backstage tours and everything? Will Schlop come? Will he be wearing pants? Where's Petri? Have you read Duddles' favorite book? Who's Anthony? Can Duddles come to the play? Will you make DJ turkey pancakes?
Ok... shnoodles out.


No no no - it was Duddles with the pajama pants - DJ has no pants what-so-ever!

10/10/05 Oh Noes, Schlop ate Nips!

DJ pants out.

12/16/05 Hullo

Schlop is wearing flannel pajama pants. He wishes. Maybe you could
get him that for the Hannukah.
Could the mysterious origin of this phrase have something to do with these cartoons:


Last edited by mini-nibs on Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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No-Pants...the ANSWER?

Post by lee »

Ok miniNibs... I've been doing some of my own no-pants research... i think I maybe have tracked it down... here's what I've got so far...
8-31-05 Re: Schlop's Petri (from Dave)
Shnoodles out, no pants?

8-29-05 Re: Count Schlopula (from Dave)
Also, the google ads for my last email were from this shady looking site that claims to have all 100 ducktales episodes on dvd for sale for $75 clams. I don't think it is legit though.
Schlop - no pants.

8-29-05 Re: Count Schlopula (from Dave)
Schlop no pants.

8-27-05 Re: Soda Schlop (from Dave)
Schlop has fingers?? Maybe you mean the other Schlop, that lives on the other side of the locked door and has buttons for eyes..
Ok, schlop out - no pants.

8-26-05 Re: Soda Schlop (from Dave)
I tried the typing game and got 150wpm each time. I liked that game on your old computer better where the aliens were getting closer to the ship and you had to kill them by typing their words.
DJ got 0. He can't type due to the mitten problem you mentioned.

Snugglesworth out.

Schlop status: No Pants.

8-25-05 Re: Soda Schlop (from Dave)
Hey, do you remember that time DJ put a raisin in your nalgene water bottle and then it expanded and you thought it was a mutant spore? That was the best!

8-19-05 Re: The Thing that Schlop Saw (from Dave)
Oh, I had forgotten you were going to that wedding, and figured that Schlop had gone crazy and mauled you so that you couldn't send email!
That's good. But maybe being mauled by Schlop wouldn't be so bad since he doesn't have any claws. It would be kind of fuzzy.
Ah... I've wandered off track... let me refocus on the NO PANTS....at first I thought I had found it with these emails...
7-30-05 Re:... (from Dave)
also, schlop wants you to take him to the GAP so he can try on some PANTS!

From August 8 to 31, each customer who tries on any pair of Gap's new jean fits -- three new fits for women and one for men and one for Schlops -- will get a complimentary song from Apple's iTunes music store.

8-5-05 Re: SCHLOP (from Dave)
can schlop make it to DJ's retirement party on saturday? its a bbbq.

ok schlop pants out.

8-14-05 Re: shhh (from Dave)
schlop schlop schlop schlops.

just 'a' reminder if you could send 'me' grandparents email address.

schlop - pants at the gap!

lettuce wrap.

8-16-05 Re: Mutton Schlops (from Dave)
Hoo hoo, Duddles says that the Schlop story was funny!

Schlop is mad you didn't take him to try on the pants.

It seems Susanna Clarke is suffering from chronic fatigue - probably as a result of all those questions you kept badgering her with. She did seem a bit fatiguey when we saw her, didn't she. Duddles thinks he might have a touch of the fatigue now that you ment- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Then I thought this might be it....

7-29-05 Re: ... (from Lee)
Schlop here. Eating some tuna munch munch. Mm... tuna...

What're you up to? I was going to eat on the BIG BED but I'm sitting on the BEAN CHAIR now.


7-29-05 Re: ... (from Dave)



What a stunning development.

The bears are buzzing over the implications of this coup de pants.

But now I'm pretty sure this is where it all evolved from....in reverse order....
7-22-05 Re: Hi from the West (from Dave)
gulliver was playing the celebrity anagrams game..

he takes a celebrities name and then rearranges it into words that describe that celebrity..

like for lee granas..

angel ears


elena rags

schlop out (pants? nope)

7-6-05 Re: Does DJ do Yoga? (from Dave)
Whoa - I just googled sir snacks-a-lot and there is some band with the same name. And then I googled sir pants-a-lot and there was another band with that name! thank goodness there were no hits for sir schlops-a-lot, or that would have been weird.

7-6-05 Re: Does DJ do Yoga? (from Lee)
Schlop says we haven't heard from you in a whole day. He wonders if you're SLEEPING!!! He says one time he tried to sleep for a day but he slept for a week and 3 days instead!! He hopes you don't sleep for a week. He likes to hear from you every now and then.

Schlop found a new comfortable position for napping. He puts his face in the soft bed and sticks his tail in the air. He says it cools off his hindquarters on days like these. Does Gulliver ever sleep like that?

Schlop out. No pants.

7-4-05 Re: Does DJ do Yoga? (from Lee)
Have you gone to bed yet?

Well I just wasted the last 2 hours reading Improv Everywhere stuff. I REALLY like their stuff, I'm sad and embarrassed that I haven't read their stuff sooner. It rules!!! I love the writing style and how all the Agents get to give their versions of the story and tell random funny lines from the crowd. That is all just so neat.

Schlop liked the No-Pants episodes.

That is all really cool. Sorry again not to have read it sooner.
What do you think about THAT?! Could it really have all evolved from Improv Everywhere and people not wearing pants around town. I guess if we find a "no-pants" reference before July 4, 2005, we will know the truth... but for now I propose this as the IE NO PANTS THEORY and I hope it stands.

Very exciting!
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Dinky Bean
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Wow! Pants-tastic!

Post by mini-nibs »

Wow, that is some amazing research Lee! You've really done your homework. Hilarious and Impressive!

I think you might just be right about how this whole pants thing started - with the No Pants on the Subway mission. Crazy, huh?

I guess one of the good things about us bears having poor memories is that emails from a year ago will seem new - like we are reading them for the first time.

Kudos for the great Pants work, Lee!
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So proud!

Post by Duddles »


Hoo hoo hoo.

Good jorbs!

Last edited by Duddles on Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Where's Petri?
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No Pants in graph form

Post by Petri »

Hi Lee,

I thought you might appreciate this icon I found on the internet.

Petri (of the P Bear club)

Duddles' deeds be done.
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